Chaos insurgency scp sl
Chaos insurgency scp sl

The Chaos Insurgency, unlike the Foundation who "store" their SCPs in locked chambers, aim at attempting to utilize the SCPs to their advantage, mainly these SCPs being objects with unique anomalous properties that can be exploited to give the upper hand against others. Their primary goal is to eliminate all SCPs, Chaos Insurgency and D-Class, as well as escorting Scientists to safey and following orders by other MTF.The Chaos Insurgency is mainly built on former personnel of the SCP Foundation that went A.W.O.L. Nine-Tailed Fox Private: "A low rank cadet of an elite task force that responds to breaches, ensuring the security of the facility. Their primary goal is to eliminate all SCPs, Chaos Insurgency and D-Class, as well as escorting Scientists to safety." Nine-Tailed Fox Specialist: "A member of an elite task force that responds to breaches, ensuring the security of the Foundation. Their primary goal is to eliminate all SCPs, Chaos Insurgency and D-Class, as well as escorting Scientists to safety and following orders by your commander." Nine-Tailed Fox Sergeant: "A lieutenant of an elite task force that responds to breaches, ensuring the security of the Foundation. Their primary goal is to eliminate all SCPs, Chaos Insurgency and D-Class, as well as escorting Scientists to safety and instructing other MTF." Nine-Tailed Fox Capitain: "A commanding officer of an elite task force that responds to breaches, ensuring the security of the Foundation.

chaos insurgency scp sl

Nine-Tailed Fox Specialist: Spawns with same items as MTF Sergeant but with a MTF Specialist Keycard. Nine-Tailed Fox Private: Spawns with a MTF Private Keycard, the CrossVec, a Radio, First Aid Kit and a Normal Vest.

chaos insurgency scp sl

Nine-Tailed Fox Sergeant: Spawns with a MTF Sergeant Keycard, a MTF-E11-SR, a Radio, a Frag Granade, First Aid Kit and a Normal Vest. Nine-Tailed Fox Captain: Spawns with a MTF Captain Keycard, the MTF-E11-SR, a Radio, a Fragmentation Grenade, a First Aid Kit, an Adrenaline and a Heavy Vest. The Mobile Task Force currently has 4 Ranks, which can be seen down. MTF Private Porwder Jander (Code Name: Swordfish) MTF Private Ingrid Pandisern (Code Name: Ingrid) MTF Specialist Gandry Hanper (Code Name: Hanper) MTF Private Pamela Haddock (Code Name: Haddock)

chaos insurgency scp sl

MTF Captain Harrison Houde (Code Name: Houde) MTF Private Gander Anderson (Code Name: Ander) MTF Commander Sander Lancer (Code Name: Lance) Known characters in the MTF unit MTF unit Lima-12 MTF unit Foxtrot-91 (8 people in the unit)

Chaos insurgency scp sl